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By AayushIn recognition of our efforts, we’ve been named a top SEO firm in India, according to Clutch’s latest market research. They leverage a unique ratings methodology to compare and contrast leaders in several service sectors.
We couldn’t have gotten this far without our lovely customers. They took time to engage with Clutch analysts to assess our impact on a number of factors. We were graded along the lines of project management skill, attention to project timelines, and overall quality of service. We’re happy to say we’ve achieved a lovely 4.9 out of five stars! We’re so happy to be meeting our clients’ expectations! Take a look at a recent review below:
“We’re excited to have been chosen as a 2020 Clutch Leader on the top SEO agencies in India”
– Praveen Sharma, Project Manager
We’re proud to receive this recognition and look forward to helping even more clients make their dreams seen and heard! Drop us a line if you’d like to collaborate on a project with us today!