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    SEO or Search Engine Optimization has grown to encompass large areas of expertise over the years. SEO consultants are paid thousands of dollars by companies throughout the world to increase their ranking on popular search engines results pages for very specific keywords that are relevant to their business model. SEO in 2022 is still an important part of marketing a website today, even with the prevalence of social media and instant messaging applications.

    There are several prominent SEO myths that have formed over time through legend, trial, and error, or simply bad advice passed down from ‘gurus.’ SEO exists in a space between hard numbers and abstract ideas, making it difficult at times to determine what is true and what isn’t when searching for information about SEO. Even if SEO is a large part of your company’s marketing, you might be surprised to hear that SEO practices and the principles behind them have not changed much in recent years.

    Here we list some SEO myths for 2022 and attempt to debunk them:

    SEO Myth #1: SEO Is Dead

    An SEO myth that has been around for many years now states that SEO will become obsolete as Google’s algorithm changes allow their search engine to determine the relevancy of a website without SEO. This is patently false for three reasons:

    SEO Myth #2: SEO Is an Option, Social Media Marketing is The Preferred Method of Promotion

    Even in 2017 social media marketing was a popular method of gaining a foothold with a new business.

    SEO Myth #3: SEO Is Unnecessary When You Have Good Organic Traffic

    A company can have amazing organic traffic and still benefit from SEO. For example, if your site ranks on the first page for your industry’s most lucrative keywords, but not in the top five results listed by Bing, you might be missing out on an important source of potential customers. In addition, Google changes its algorithm once or twice a year to ensure that SEO is a necessity for all sites, not just new ones. SEO

    Myth #4: SEO Is Bad

    The SEO industry has been plagued by false positives and bad advice from SEO ‘gurus’ since its inception. It is important to follow the best SEO practices in order to get the best results, but there is no need to become obsessed with details. The simpler you keep your site’s structure and code, the better it will be for both your visitors and Google bots.

    There have been grand changes in how search engines react to what individuals hunt down, that is to say how search engines crawl, rank, and list the pages of your site. Numerous site holders are as of now working with SEO myths and antiquated data and accept there are still ‘snappy fixes’ out there.

    We all realize that Google changes things on a consistent premise. The Penguin and Panda algorithm update has brought on more than a couple of cerebral pains and eradicated numerous years of devoted SEO work. SEO organizations have changed their center from decisive words and interfacing to making quality content.

    Written by Aayush
    Writer, editor, and marketing professional with 10 years of experience, Aayush Singh is a digital nomad. With a focus on engaging digital content and SEO campaigns for SMB, and enterprise clients, he is the content creator & manager at SERP WIZARD.