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By AayushCSS selectors allow you to style some aspects of your webpage by choosing one or several elements on that page. Out of all the CSS selectors that are useful and have a certain degree of obscurity, there are those that include the space, comma, greater than, plus, and tilde characters. In this article, the author will explain what each of these selectors does and when you might want to use it.
Introduction to CSS Selectors
Now, it is time to discuss CSS selectors and their role in web development in more detail, starting with the introduction. CSS selectors are one of the most important aspects of styling web pages. They enable you to select particular components of a webpage and style them. The class selector is one of the CSS selectors that select HTML elements with a specific class attribute. It enables you to apply the same style to several elements with the same class at the same time. Another type is the ID selector which is used to select a specific HTML element by its ID attribute. It is also necessary to mention pseudo classes and pseudo elements as CSS selectors that enable to target certain states or parts of a component, for instance, the first line of a text or when an element is being hovered.
Finally, attribute selectors allow you to select HTML elements based on their attributes, which provides you with even more options for styling your webpage. By learning and memorizing these various forms of CSS selectors, your capacity to design good looking and interactive websites will be boosted. To understand the basic CSS selectors, it is possible to begin by learning the ways of selecting elements on a webpage.
Here are some key concepts to help you grasp the fundamentals:
CSS Selector: A method of targeting and manipulating HTML elements.
HTML Elements: The components of a webpage include headings, paragraphs, and images, among others.
Class Attribute: Enables you to give a class name to several elements in order to style them. CSS Class Selector: Selects elements according to the value of the class attribute.
ID Attribute: Applies a style to an element and provides it with a number that is different from any other element.
CSS ID Selector: Filters elements based on the value of the ID attribute.
Pseudo Classes: Used for applying styles to elements in some states or conditions such as :hover or :focus.
Pseudo Elements: Use pseudo-classes preceded by double colons (::) to style specific parts of an element.
Attribute Selector Matches: Selects elements based on the attributes and the values that they have.
Simple Selectors: Select specific types of elements using tag names or universal selectors.
The Space Selector
In CSS there is something called the space selector that allows you to select elements that are descendants of other elements.
For example:
div p {
color: red;
This will select all `<p>’s’ that are descendants of `<div>’s’ and then set the text color to red.
Some key things to know about the space selector:
– It only focuses on selecting the descendant, not even the child. Therefore, it will choose any `<p>` tags deeply nested in the DOM as long as they are contained within a `<div>.`
– In this case, one can use multiple spaces to select the nested elements. For example, `div p span { }` means select all the `<span>` elements that are enclosed in `<p>` elements, and these are in turn enclosed in `<div>` elements.
– Overall, the space selector is very helpful when targeting elements that can be often hidden within the nested HTML tags.
The Comma Selector
The comma selector enables you to select all the targeted selectors for the same HTML elements.
For example:
div, p, span {
color: blue;
This will target all `<div>`, `<p>` and `<span>` on the page and give their text a blue color.
Some key things about the comma selector:
– W3CSS enables one to eliminate the repetitiveness of basal CSS statements.
– The selectors are specified with commas between them, but without any space around the commas.
– It can range across one rule and aim at a number of unrelated aspects.
– The coma-separated selectors can equally be used with the descendant selectors.
The Greater Than Selector
The `>` symbol in CSS means selecting only direct child elements of the mentioned selector.
For example:
div > p {
font-size: 20px;
This will only extract `<p>` tags that are immediate children of `<div>` tags, not any other nested `<p>` tags.
Key things about the more significant than selector:
– It only selects elements that are at the immediate level of the node passed to the function.
– This is different from the space selector, which selects all descendants of that node.
– It is more specific and helpful in targeting junior children at the first level.
The Plus Selector
The plus selector (`+`) enables one to choose an element that comes right after another element.
For example:
div + p {
background-color: yellow;
This will select all the first `<p>` elements that come after every `<div>` element and set their background color to yellow.
Things to know about the plus selector:
– It only selects the element after, not all following elements, such as the next following element, as assumed in the above example.
– This is used to apply style to elements depending on their location in the layout.
– Pluses are positive, but only the plus sign is used here in the equation, not the double plus sign, which does something else.
The Tilde Selector
The tilde (`~`) is amongst the most complex CSS selectors, which selects siblings that come after the current element.
For example:
h2 ~ p {
font-style: italic;
This will select all `<p>` elements that appear after any `<h2>` tags on the page and make the text in these `<p`s> italics.
Fundamental tilde selector properties:
– It selects all following siblings and not just the first one, unlike some other CSS selectors.
– Fun fact: Positioning matters in the markup, not the parent/child relationship.
– It is used to choose between tags based on their order and position.
In conclusion, the CSS space symbol, comma, more significant than symbol, plus sign, and tilde sign, also enable one to select elements based on the hierarchy, group, direct relatives, and nearest neighbors in the markup, respectively. Once understood, these advanced selectors open up further refined targeting opportunities.
Application Areas and Illustrations
Since how these selectors are used is transparent, let’s examine some of the practical uses of selectors in CSS.
Styling Specific Table Rows
Say you have a table, and you want to style the first or last row differently without adding classes:
tr:first-child {
background: red;
tr:last-child {
font-weight: bold;
The greater than child selector is used to select the first/last rows in the HTM document.
Form Input Validation
To indicate invalid form fields:
input: invalid {
border: 2px solid red;
The: Any invalid pseudo-class will still match the inputs that actually have failed validation.
Read More Links
To style links after each blog post differently:
article p + p > a literal
font-size: 18px;
text-decoration: underline;
This employs the plus and child selectors and only selects the links with the read more text.
Comment Headers
To style headers inside comments but not posts:
article h2 {
/* styles */
. comments h2 {
/* different styles */
The descendant selector allows targeting elements only if they are contained in. comments.
Consistent Button Styles
To reuse button styles easily:
input[type=”reset”] {
background: blue;
border: none;
border-radius: 4px;
color: white;
padding: 8px 12px;
Using the comma selector, it is possible to join the selectors in a well-ordered manner.
However, it is essential to note that these selectors provide a way to target elements; some possible errors can be made. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:
Accidental Global Styles
If you define styles using type selectors only, that can cause widespread changes:
/* Changes all spans! */
span {
color: red;
**Use classes instead** for more control:
. error {
color: red;
Overly Specific Selectors
Being too specific locks your CSS and reduces flexibility:
Div. news-feed > div. Story> div. data > a. title {
/* styles */
The rule of thumb here is that one only needs to be as specific as the situation requires. To keep reusable, utilize classes.
Hierarchy Confusion
It’s easy to confuse which selector does what:
div p {
/* Matches wrong elements */
div > p {
/* Indeed the one we want: */
Make sure to review which of these selectors best suits your situation. Refer to the definitions above.
Adjacent Sibling vs. general Sibling
Plus vs. tilde is a familiar mix-up:
h2 + p {
/* Styles first paragraph */
h2 ~ p {
/* Formats ALL the paradigms */
Choose carefully to ensure you select the one needed. This should be compared with the definitions to ensure that the information is accurate.
Putting into Practice
Yes, the only way to improve is to practice.
Here are some ideas for working these advanced selectors into your web projects:
Journal/Blog Layout
Style first paragraphs, blockquotes, images:
article > p: First of its type {
blockquote + figcaption { }
Photo Gallery
Target captions, navigation, overlays:
The following styles affect the gallery images, the images after the gallery, and the figure captions:
. gallery > img:#hover:after { }
E-commerce Product Listing
Highlight sales, prices, titles:
- products > li::nth-child(odd) { }
. sale::before { }
Social Media Profiles
Style statuses, and headlines, read more links:
Most of the time, it is in the format of < |symbolic| >. profile-name + . status { }
In other words, it is necessary to merge <SPEC|link=‘authorities’>Authorities of <SPEC|link=‘governmental_entity’>Governmental entity of <SPEC|link=‘legal_entity’>Legal entity of <SPEC|link=‘governmental_entity’>Governmental entity of <SPEC|link=‘legal_entity’>Legal entity of <SPEC|link=‘governmental_entity’>Government
Some of these ideas to be investigated with space, child, comma, plus and tilde selectors. You will further become more accustomed to how they function in day-to-day settings.
Some Guidelines and Recommendations for Selector
Usage to achieve maximum efficiency of selectors
When using selectors, it is necessary to avoid the use of long selectors and selector chains. By following this best practice, you will be able to optimize your CSS code and make it render faster. Now, let’s consider some recommendations and strategies for the effective use of selectors. First of all, it is recommended to use ID selectors instead of class selectors wherever possible. Id selectors are more specific and have a higher specificity level than class selectors. This can assist in avoiding frequent checks by the browser.
The next tip is to avoid using long descendant selectors instead of direct children or adjacent sibling combinators. For instance, instead of using div p to select all the paragraphs within divs, you can use div > p to select only direct child paragraphs. Also, use the last-child selector where you want to choose elements that are the last child of the parent element. This does away with the need for more classes or attributes. Lastly, make use of dynamic pseudo-classes like hover or :target to use for styling based on the mouse over or target page states. These pseudo-classes enable you to make your web pages interactive without introducing more tags.
Common Selector Errors and Solutions
There is a tendency to use long selector chains, a common cause of selector issues in CSS. When you want to style a specific element, it is always advisable not to make the selector chain too complex. Here are some tips to avoid common mistakes and troubleshoot any issues: The child combinator (>) should be used when you wish to target only the immediate child of an element. If you want to apply the same styles to more than one element, use more than one selector separated by a comma.
When using the same value for different properties within a selector chain, one should be careful because this can lead to conflicts. If you wish to apply the same styles to other elements, then it is better to use classes or IDs rather than using complex selectors. Remember the following syntax: if two selectors are written with a space between them, then the second selector will select the descendants of the first selector.
This covers the key things you need to know about the CSS space, comma, greater than, plus and tilde selectors:
– Space: Affects all other elements below it as a parent, regardless of where in the HTML it may be.
– Comma: Links one or more selectors to one or more declarations in an effort to apply the same styling.
-Greater Than: Concentrates on only first level ones, direct children
– Plus: Returns first sibling directly after another element
– Tilde: Selects all elements that come immediately after (or are horizontally aligned with) another element
These are some of the most sophisticated selectors you can use in CSS, but they will make you very selective and adaptive while styling intricate web documents and applications.