SEO is sometimes a time-consuming process. A small improvement in the actual search engine ranking is a worthwhile goal that can […]
By AayushIn the current information age, every successful business has to know about its customers and what they care about the most, and the easiest way to do that is to track them when they visit your website.
This interaction with your site will give you a much better insight into what they are looking for and how to optimize user experience even more.
Luckily, Google has made it easy to see what’s going on with your web application.
Every successful business needs to know about its customers and what they care about the most. And the easiest way of doing this is to track them when they visit your website.
Their interaction with your site can give you a much better insight into what they are looking for and help you optimize user experience even more.
Fortunately, Google has made it easy to gain insights into your web application.
Web analytics is critical while practicing in the field of web development as the world is rapidly changing, and making the right decisions depends on knowing how users and the site perform. A relatively recent JavaScript library for developing user interfaces known as React JS has recently received a lot of attention among developers. Nevertheless, the use of Google Analytics as a tracking system for React JS projects may be complicated for beginners. This article will explain step by step how Google Analytics can be implemented in React JS applications and highlight some best practices and several ways to track different user interactions.
Many website owners use Google Analytics to analyze how their website and its content are used by visitors, as well as analyze conversion rates.
By integrating Google Analytics in React JS applications, you can:
You will be happy to know that Google Analytics integration into a React JS app is relatively easy, and in this full tutorial, we will explain the process in detail.
Now that we know how to setup Google Analytics for a React application, let us firstly check that you will require for the task.
You’ll need:
Once unblocked, run in your terminal the command ‘npm install –- globals create-react-app’.
Having the required resources in place, we can proceed to install the Google Analytics into your React application.
If you haven’t already created your React app, you can do so by running the following command in your terminal:
create-react-app my-app
Navigate into your app’s directory:
cd my-app
To install google analytics on your react app then you have to install npm package ‘react-ga’ in your react app. Run the following command in your terminal:
npm install react-ga
To track your user’s interactions, you need to initialize Google Analytics in your React app. Create a new file named “ga.js” inside your “src” folder and add the following code:
import React from ‘react’;
import ReactDOM from “react-dom”těl
import App from ‘./App’;
let initGA = () => { … }, let logEvent = () => { … }
>%app_not_track_ID% // Please replace YOUR_TRACKING_ID with the actual tracking ID
const trackingId = ‘YOUR_TRACKING_ID’;
if (!trackingId) {
It is usually set and included in the console.error(‘Tracking ID not set.’);
} else {
‘ console.log(‘Google Analytics initialized.’);’
gaEvent = function (category, action, label) {
if (window.ga) {
logEvent(category, action, label);
<App gaEvent={gaEvent} />,
document.GetElementById(“ root” )
Create a new file named “lib/googleanalytics.js” and add the following code:
import ga from ‘react-ga’;
export const initGA = (trackingId) => {
export const logEvent = () => {
ga.event({ category: category, action : action, label : label });
In Google Analytics, events are the tools by which you can measure user activity within components with which a component may engage. Here’s an example of how you can track a button click:
import React from ‘react’;
import l from ‘ ./googleanalytics’;
const MyComponent = () => (
‘My Component’ , CLICK event on ‘Download’ button,</button>
export default MyComponent;
Then, when you have set up Google Analytics for your React app, use a hosting services like Netlify, GitHub Pages or AWS S3. It is necessary to set preconditions so that your app is able to integrate with Google Analytics.
With this ultimate guide, we have used the steps of implementing Google analytics in React JS application. You can track your website’s performance, user and other crucial activities as stated below.
Don’t forget also that in a real live situation you can’t afford to run your site without constantly monitoring and evaluating its performance as well as the changes you are making. Do not confine yourself to other functionalities that Google Analytics provides to make your work much easier for a better understanding of your target market and to improve the overall performance of your app.
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