SEO is sometimes a time-consuming process. A small improvement in the actual search engine ranking is a worthwhile goal that can […]
By AayushWhen Google launched the penguin update then many sites got penalty by this update. Google punished those sites that are having thousands of backlinks on the different without relevant categories to get a better ranking in the organic searches. Today, we are going to discuss with you the Negative SEO Case Study.
As the name indicates negative SEO can be anything malicious someone does to harm the ranking of your site. Negative SEO is a term that is used to know about the backlinks of a website and whether they are good or bad for the organic searches of a search engine. It means that they have punished you for the tons of low-quality backlinks on a large number of websites.
When your ranking is on the top of the search engine result pages and suddenly it’s down then be aware and stop link building process for some day or less because it can be the new update of Google and can be bad for you. Sometimes your competitor does not affect the updates of the search engine then which means that they are having quality backlinks which is why Google is not going to punish them.
Usually, it affects those sites that are getting links from low-quality sites with less Page rank or more links from the same site.
If you are having a website then it is not good to become a victim of negative SEO. The reason for this is that Google does not consider those sites good which gets punished by the updates Google and once your ranking is gone down then it is not possible to get it again in less time. It can take more time to rank well again than usual.
A complete audit of the site can lessen the chances of the site getting penalized by Google and losing close to 50% of its traffic. It is good to know about your competitor’s backlink how they got affected by the update of Google and what are the links for which their rank is down. It can help you more to less the chances of getting penalized by Google.
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