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    How to Get Ratings and Reviews for Your Online Business

    How to Get Ratings and Reviews for Your Online Business

    Businesses of all kinds, sizes, and types need an online presence. The key to a successful business in recent times is by growing an online presence. Yet, the market is saturated with start-ups and entrepreneurs jumping the bandwagon to build and grow their digital presence and hence, increase their popularity and grow a successful business. In the race to becoming a millionaire, a lot of us often lose out and are left-back. The game of success is quite like a game of chess, it is always about the strategy at play here. If you get the strategy correct, you might make it.

    A thumb rule to live by if you are looking to have a successful digital presence: be relevant. There are ample ways to be on top of your game. You need to be able to rank better on search engine results, align with whatever is relevant, get aggressive with your online presence, and most importantly: have customers leave behind ratings and reviews for your business and your services. As easy as it may sound, there are certain ways to make sure you grow your online business through ratings and reviews:

    1. Correct Timing

    There is no bigger turn off like aggressively asking for reviews from a customer. A lot of the success of your business relies on timing, so when you are asking your customer to leave a positive review, make sure you time it right. For instance, ask them for a review after they have had a successful experience, or if they are reordering a product, etc. For example, when you use an app from Google Playstore, the app generally asks for a review after you have used it for a considerable amount of time.

    1. Get Relevant

    A major tool in today’s marketing method is the power of social media. There is nothing like interacting with the market, your customers, and potential customers like you can do on social media. Everyone likes a brand who talks to them, who reaches out and checks upon them. Social media users appreciate a brand that begins dialogues and conversations or even participates in one that is current and relevant in the world at the moment. This will help propel your business into the limelight and garner more attention and enable you to leave a more positive impression of you and your brand.

    1. Negative Reviews

    A lot of people will be unhappy with your services and products. A lot of people are too picky to impress and it is not always going to be your cup of tea to be able to impress everyone with your services. But what works in the world of creating an online presence, is the ability to take negativity sportingly. For instance, if someone is unhappy about the delay in the reception of service, they had requested from you and they decide to leave a bad review on your website, do not try to hide it. Rather, keep it on display and make a visible effort to learn about their problem and attempt to rectify your mistake. This automatically makes you look like a brand who is open to constructive criticism and is willing to improve on them to be better.

    1. Incentives

    There is nothing like a little reward as bait to get people to leave positive reviews and ratings on your online business. But don’t overuse it, because then it will only look like you are doing this for the reviews. Maybe start a contest where every time they use a product of yours, they can upload it on their social media profiles with a specific hashtag. Or, you can try a hand at giveaway contests on social media or maybe discounts or offers for a limited period of time.

    There are several ways to win yourselves some good ratings and reviews for your online business. A lot about success relies on the entrepreneur’s or marketing head’s imaginative skills. The place to begin is however a few questions that you need to ask yourselves. These include:

    1. How to make your customer happy?
    2. What does your customer want?

    Remember, the customer is king and if they are happy, your brand is surely going a long way. So, get your thinking cap on and get creative! Think of fun ways to interact and involve your clients and customers and watch your rating go up in numbers magically!

    Written by Aayush
    Writer, editor, and marketing professional with 10 years of experience, Aayush Singh is a digital nomad. With a focus on engaging digital content and SEO campaigns for SMB, and enterprise clients, he is the content creator & manager at SERP WIZARD.